Infinite Drum Machine

Experiments With Google.

Infinite Drum Machine

The website Experiments with Google is a collection of experiments created by coders using Chrome, Android, AI, AR and more. It showcases projects and tools to inspire others to create new experiments. There are collections of experiments to explore, with new ones added every week. For example, the TensorFlow Lite for Microcontrollers collection showcases the possibilities of building with TensorFlow Lite for Microcontrollers. The Look to Speak experiment is an Android app which enables people to use their eyes to select pre-written phrases and have them spoken aloud. The Shared Piano experiment lets you play music together live on the web. The Inside Guide collection brings together four weeks of fun stuff to do at home this summer. There is also a collection of Experiments for Learning which teachers, students, and families can use to learn from home and the Teachable Machine experiment which provides a fast, easy way to create machine learning models without coding. Lastly, there are two featured collections: WebXR Experiments which are AR and VR made for the web and AI Experiments which celebrates creativity and AI.




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