Graphic AI

Ai Assisted Work Collaboration Platform For Teams.

Graphic AI

Stork is an AI-assisted work collaboration platform for teams. It helps teams improve communications and productivity by providing a Business Messenger for Hybrid & Remote Teams that Records and Transcribes All Meetings and Calls automatically. It has features such as Recordings, Calls, Voice Notes, Video Notes, Channels, and a Free online Screen Recorder. It also has ChatGPT based AI Personas such as a Lawyer, Marketer, and Image Maker. Stork provides a serendipitous watercooler experience by allowing any team member to join a live conversation in any Channel. It also allows members to start a live conversation in any Channel which can be setup for any topic or department. This platform has been praised by Marisa Davis from Marshal & Young for allowing teams to communicate asynchronously with flexibility.



#Translation & Transcript

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