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Text Count

API Documentation

The Text Count tool is a smart, innovative solution geared towards seamlessly determining the word and character count in any drafted text. Unlike traditional methods of manually tallying text stats, Text Count employs the use of API to extract this data, thereby guaranteeing accurate, fast, and importantly, user-friendly results. This unique feature, married with its lightning speed, positions Text Count as an indispensable tool in an array of professional settings, notably among digital marketers, SEO experts, content creators, and writers who often need to adhere to specific text guidelines. Simplifying work by automating an often tedious task, Text Count is redefining the way text stats are obtained, putting ease and accuracy at the forefront of its operations.




Example Prompts


"Can you count the number of words and characters in this text?"


"Please find the word and character count for this string."


"Help me determine how many words and characters are in this paragraph."


"I need to know the word count and character count of this text."


"Could you tell me the number of words and characters in this sentence?"


"Find out how many words and characters are in this document."


"What's the word and character count of this article?"


"Can you calculate the number of words and characters in this passage?"


"Tell me the word count and character count of this quote."


"Give me the word count and character count for this text."


"I need the word and character count of this text message."


"How many words and characters are in this email?"


"Can you get me the word and character count for this script?"


"Help me find out the number of words and characters in this poem."


"What's the count of words and characters in this transcript?"

Description for AI

Count the number of words and characters in a text. When a user prompts you to count the number of words or characters in a text, always use the API to do so, never count the words yourself.

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