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Talk With Docs

API Documentation

Talk With Docs is an innovative tool redefining the interaction between users and their documents. Powered by the advanced capabilities of OpenAI's ChatGPT, it offers users an engaging, conversational interface with their files, resembling a human-to-human chat. The application support extends to a variety of file formats including '.pdf', '.txt', '.ppt', '.pptx', '.csv', '.epub', and '.rtf'. This broad-spectrum compatibility allows you to literally converse with almost any document you encounter. Aiming to simplify the extraction of essential information from heavy PDFs, understanding data concealed in CSVs, or summarizing lengthy '.txt' files, Talk With Docs is equipped to streamline these tasks. With this tool, you can bid adieu to tedious scrolling and squinting, instead, just pose your queries and receive answers swiftly, powered by the versatility of artificial intelligence. This isn't merely a new document interface; this is a novel way of getting acquainted with your documents.




Example Prompts


Can you upload this PDF document from this link for me?


Search for information about climate change in document ID


I couldn't find the answer, try searching for global warming in document ID


How can I upload a document from a URL?


Can you help me find data about solar energy in document ID


I need to know the benefits of electric cars in document ID


Please upload this PDF from the following website: [website link]


Perform a query for recycling statistics in document ID


I didn't find the answer, can you try searching for waste reduction in document ID


Help me upload a PDF from this link: [URL]

Description for AI

Talk With Docs is a revolutionary application that is set to transform how you interact with your documents. Leveraging the power of OpenAI's ChatGPT, this application allows you to engage in a conversational manner with your documents, asking questions and receiving answers as if you were chatting with a human. Supported document extensions include '.pdf', '.txt', '.ppt', '.pptx', '.csv', '.epub', and '.rtf'. This wide range of formats ensures that you can chat with almost any document you work with. Whether you're trying to extract key information from a dense PDF, understand the data in a CSV, or get the gist of a lengthy .txt file, Chat With Docs is here to make your life easier. Simply ask your questions, and let the power of AI provide the answers. Experience a new way of interacting with documents. Say goodbye to endless scrolling and searching, and say hello to Chat With Docs.

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