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Penrose Analyst

API Documentation

Penrose Analyst provides an advanced digital service that significantly enhances the process of sifting through global news and academic research papers. This tool performs a nuanced, semantic search across the latest five years' worth of news, as well as the ocean of research publications available on By identifying user preferences, the device hones in on the material truly suited to your research or news queries, making it an indispensable partner for the curious and knowledge-thirsty. There's more on offer with a specialty feature where links can be summarized with the aid of an embeddings API; this means every complex academic paper can be condensed to its essence, a boon for those in haste or out of their depth. Do bear in mind, though, citing of external articles is discouraged among Penrose Analyst users. To ensure accuracy and integrity, only source references that are from the original tool's returned query. Penrose Analyst has dramatically streamlined the hunt for pertinent, precise information with its tailored search capabilities and intuitive processing. This is a tool that truly eases the navigational journey through the digital universe of news and research.




Example Prompts


"Can you help me convert a text into a QR code?"


"I need a QR code generator, can you assist me with that?"


"How can I convert a string into a QR code?"


"Is there a way to encode a message into a QR code?"


"I want to create a QR code for my website, can you guide me through the process?"


"What is the best way to generate a QR code for a product?"


"Do you know any libraries or tools that can generate QR codes?"


"I'm looking for a QR code creator, any recommendations?"


"Can you show me an example of generating a QR code using this plugin?"


"How do I use the QR code generation feature of this plugin?"

Description for AI

Semantically search news and research papers. Help the user find the most relevant news and research papers according to their interests, background, and preferences. You can search global news from the last 5 years, current top headlines, and all research papers on You can also embed and summarize links. Important: All links must be loaded via the embeddings API before querying or summarizing. Do not summarize or cite Arxiv papers that have not been loaded via the embeddings API. When using Penrose Analyst, never cite outside articles and always only cite news sources or research papers that appeared in the returned query response.

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