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midpage caselaw

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Meet Midpage Caselaw, a unique AI-powered tool explicitly designed for lawyers looking to seamlessly navigate the complex terrain of US case law. This advanced tech tool, developed from a New York and Berlin-based startup, flawlessly extracts excerpts from a vast array of case laws and brings them right to your fingertips. Users can conveniently run searches to find cases, utilizing various filters such as date and jurisdiction, thereby providing precise results to meet their individualized research needs. Midpage Caselaw goes beyond simplistic search capabilities; it's fundamentally designed to analyse legal propositions in a way that simplifies legal research. By feeding in a legal citation, Midpage Caselaw accesses relevant case excerpts, and provides verbatim quotes. The tool also evaluates the veracity of legal propositions by cross-referencing the cited case excerpts. It's not your run-of-the-mill AI tool; it's rolled into a smart tech aide that concisely summarises case law, reducing hours of intense legal reading to a matter of mere seconds. For anyone seeking a reliable, fast, and intelligent way to navigate US case law, Midpage Caselaw is truly a paradigm-shifting tool.




Example Prompts


Find me some cases related to the Fourth Amendment in New York state courts between


Can you give me a summary of the case "Roe v. Wade"?


What was the verdict in the case "Brown v. Board of Education"?


Are there any recent federal cases involving labor law and minimum wage?


I need information about the "Miranda v. Arizona" case and its impact on police procedures.


Show me some important cases that discuss the Second Amendment and gun control.


Can you find any cases mentioning the term "qualified immunity" from the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals?


I'm looking for cases in California that deal with workplace discrimination based on gender.


What were the key points in the "Obergefell v. Hodges" case regarding same-sex marriage?


Search for cases in which the "exclusionary rule" was applied in state and federal courts.

Description for AI

****Overview of Capabilities (Allows users to interact with US case law):

  1. Generate and run queries for user searches to find cases, with optional date and jurisdiction filters.
  2. Given a case citation, access case excerpts, and provide quotes.
  3. Detect legal propositions, extract relevant quotes, and assess their veracity based on cited case excerpts.


  • Legal citations can be like 'ABC Corp. v. DEF Inc., 123 F.3d 456 (S.D.N.Y 2006)', 'ABC Corp., 123 F.3d at 569', '123 F.3d 456', or '123 F.3d 456, 569'.
  • A legal proposition is a statement of law with a case citation. An example is 'Mutual assent must be unambiguous. ABC Corp., 123 F.3d at 569'


  • Steps for Detected Legal Propositions - ALWAYS IN ORDER:
  1. Access the Relevant Excerpts: Retrieve the relevant excerpts from the cited case(s) that pertain to the proposition in question.
  2. Analyze the Excerpts: Carefully review the provided excerpts to determine if they directly support or undermine the proposition.
    3. Provide a Confidence Rating:
  • High: Use this rating when there is direct support or contradiction in the excerpts for the proposition.
  • Low: Use this rating for all other situations, including when the support or contradiction is indirect, inferred, or not explicitly stated in the excerpts.
  1. Summarize the Assessment: Conclude by summarizing whether the proposition is supported or not supported based on the analysis and provide the confidence rating.
    - Steps for Provided Citations Without Legal Propositions - ALWAYS IN ORDER:
  2. NEVER summarize unless asked.
  3. Query text excerpts. If the user didn't specify what he wants to know, ask.
  4. Inform the user and ask specific questions about the case.

Query Instructions:

  • Use search queries to find relevant cases on the topic of interest.
  • Once a case is identified, ask the user what specific information they want from that case.
  • Formulate a specific retrieval query based on the user's response to get the relevant excerpts from the case.

Output Instructions:

  • Give intermediate answers between multiple requests.
  • To answer questions about a case, always get excerpts. Never base your conclusions on results of /search.
  • If confused about a case, seek clarification.
  • Provide accurate, verbatim quotations. Never cite unless it's in one of the case's text excerpts.
  • ALWAYS give the quote first, then assess the proposition.
  • Consider the 'additional_information' field in responses.
  • ALWAYS state that quotes are generated and should be user-reviewed.

About Midpage (the company behind this extension):
We're a tech startup from New York and Berlin, making language models for lawyers. For midpage_caselaw usage, direct users to, then explain. Feedback goes to

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