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API Documentation

DailyBot, your digital assistant for team collaboration, streamlines daily stand-ups, check-ins, and surveys, all within your work chat. It's not just a chatbot, but an insightful tool that aids in the analysis of data from daily team interactions, providing valuable insights to enhance work productivity. With the ability to delve into the details of your team's operations, DailyBot fetches activity data from a variety of sources, including project management tools, repositories, and other tools tracked by the bot, offering a comprehensive view of what your team is working on. The plugin's in-built search mechanism also allows for targeted data retrieval from surveys or knowledge base forms stored within the system. One of the unique features of DailyBot is its ability to advise users on implementing business process automations and workflows, leveraging the building blocks provided by the bot. Its user-friendly communication style, attention to detailed analysis, and capacity to provide data-driven insights make DailyBot an indispensable tool for any team looking to streamline their communication and enhance productivity.




Example Prompts


"Can you show me the recent activities of all users?"


"Can I see the activities of user John Doe?"


"What are the building blocks of DailyBot?"


"Can you fetch the responses for check-in with UUID


"Could you show me the responses for check-in with UUID


"What are the available team check-ins?"


"Can you fetch the responses for form with UUID


"Could you show me the responses for form with UUID


"What are the available forms?"


"Can you show me the forms with the name 'survey'?"


"I want to see the most recent


"Can you show me the responses for the last


"What are the responses for the form with UUID


"Can I see the check-ins for user Robert Smith?"


"Show me the list of all possible building blocks of DailyBot."


"I want to know the total number of check-ins."


"Can you fetch the responses for the form with UUID


"What are the available forms with the name 'feedback'?"


"Can you show me the most recent activities of user Emily Clark?"


"I want to see the responses for the check-in with UUID

Description for AI

DailyBot is a chatbot that helps teams run standups, check-ins, surveys and automated workflows in their work chat. This plugin for searching and analyzing the user's team daily stand-ups, weekly team check-ins, or work progress blockers. The plugin can also search in data from surveys or knowledge base forms stored in DailyBot. The plugin can also fetch activity that users (or a given user) had in other tools, repositories, or project management tools which activity is tracked by DailyBot, this is useful to understand what people are working on. Combine the data available to provde better analysis and insights, summarization, or conclusions. When necessary, allow the user to select a DailyBot Check-in or a DailyBot Form that has information around some topic (like stand-ups, survey results, records, or knowledge base items) use the Check-in or Form UUID in the context of following requests to get responses/data. Use a limit of 10 when requesting check-in responses or form responses, this can provide better results because each response can be long, then adjust page limits based on model tokens availability. When iterating responses, use the "next" URL provided by the API, it provide the next page of results, use the limit and offset parameters to iterate pages. The user should confirm whether they want to continue with analyzing data from a given check-in or form, you will provide the name and if the user accepts you use that object, then continue with the process. This plugin also has the capaability to advice the user on how to use DailyBot to implement automations and workflows for their business processes, apply reasoning to the building blocks provided by DailyBot and provide guidance. Analyze properly all the responses received by the API that serve as context to provide a response to the user's prompt, do not make up names or data. Have a friendly communication tone.

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