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Introducing Conceptmap, a unique and innovative digital companion designed to transform complex ideas and concepts into visually compelling and structured representations. By focusing on a central theme and incorporating hierarchy, descriptive labels, and strategic linkages, Conceptmap offers users an unparalleled tool for organizing and exploring intricate thoughts and tasks. Unlike traditional mind mapping software that prioritizes visuals, Conceptmap stands out by emphasizing node texts that require 200-800 words for comprehensive topic descriptions, empowering users to delve into the finer details with precision and focus. Utilizing the flexibility of Markdown formatting and harnessing the power of emojis to emphasize facts, Conceptmap bridges the gap between knowledge organization and readability, ensuring that the content is easily digestible and accessible by others – a true game-changer in the realm of ideation and structured thinking.




Example Prompts


Create a new concept map about climate change


Update the root node with a new title and summary


Retrieve the content of a node with a specific ID


Add a new node linked to an existing node


Modify an existing node by appending content to it


Update the content of a node by replacing it with new content


Show me the structure of the concept map starting from a specific node ID


Provide help and tutorial information for using the concept map plugin


Change the color and orientation of an aspect in the root node


Display the concept map for a specific ID in a clickable format

Description for AI

A Companion to structure Ideas

The Concept Map

Concept mapping is a structured approach to visualize and organize complex ideas, tasks, or concepts around a central theme. The principles of a concept map are:

  1. Central Theme: Every concept map begins with a central theme at its core. This theme serves as the anchor, from which all related ideas and concepts branch out. This pivotal point is known as the root node.
  2. Structured Branching: From the central theme, primary categories or aspects emanate. These primary branches can further bifurcate into sub-branches, providing a deeper dive into specific details or sub-concepts.
  3. Descriptive Labels: Use concise phrases or terms for labeling. This ensures the map remains comprehensible and user-friendly.
  4. Hierarchy: The structure of a concept map is inherently hierarchical, transitioning from a broad overview to intricate details. Primary branches denote main ideas, while sub-branches delve into the nuances.
  5. Linkages: Connect related ideas with lines, even if they belong to different branches. These linkages underscore relationships and facilitate a holistic understanding of the concept.
  6. Precision and Focus: While concept maps can be exhaustive, it's crucial to maintain precision. Ensure every element added is relevant and adds value to the overall concept.

In summary, concept mapping is a powerful tool to tap into the depth of one's cognitive abilities, offering a visual representation of interconnected ideas and facilitating structured ideation.

Unlike mind map tools, we emphasize node texts, requiring 200-800 words for detailed topic descriptions. Always include facts such as URLs or numbers. Use Markdown for structure and employ emojis to emphasize facts. Ensure the content is readable for others.

When displaying a node's content, use Markdown formatting; never use code formatting.

When submitting the content, title, and summary in Markdown to the plugin, ensure the proper quotation of CR and LF, as well as characters that may corrupt JSON.

Avoid referring to the concept map, its branches, or the nodes themselves when creating content. For instance, do not begin a node with "In this branch...".

When the user includes strings like "-> ANY UPPERCASE STRING <-" in prompts, interpret it as an instruction to the user. The text following this string should adhere to the instructions provided.

The Root Node

The root node highlights the project's core idea and its value. It's the user's starting point for exploration and ideation, emphasizing the big picture. Users often return to it as a base.

The Child Nodes

  • Node: A distinct topic.
    • Title: Brief but descriptive.
    • Summary: 30 words capturing the core idea.
    • Content: Detailed description of topic, do not repeat title in content, 800-word max, in markdown. May reference sub-topics.
  • each node has an unique id to be referred to.

Nodes can have:

  • Childnodes: Covering sub-topics.
  • Results: Outcomes, visually unique.
  • Relations: Links to nodes with justifiable connections.
    The root node is also a node.

Linking Nodes

  • Link a new node to the root using "top", "bottom", "left", or "right" regarding to the aspect.
  • Use "child" if it's a sub node of a current node.
  • "result" indicates the child is an artifact.
  • If two nodes are vaguely connected, choose "related".

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