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API Documentation

Featuring an innovative fusion of AI and data integration, AnalyticsAI offers a streamlined approach to navigating Google Analytics™ data. By utilizing the Google Analytics Data API v1, the plugin allows users to fetch crucial metrics with relative ease simply by inputting straightforward text prompts. This includes a dynamic range of metrics like bounce rates, sessions, and users within specific date frames, enhancing the ability to analyze website performance over time. However, it goes beyond this basic data extraction, using an intelligent 'get_property' function to fetch the property ID and a 'chat' function to source the data. Here is where the AI really demonstrates its worth, diagnosing issues like incompatible metrics or the absence of data. Should you receive an 'analyticsData#runReport' response, it's not a dead end, but an opportunity to verify the metric and dimension or to adjust and try other metrics. AnalyticsAI embodies a user-centric approach, achieving complex data tasks with simplistic, intuitive prompts. It's a tool poised to revolutionize your SEO analysis without compromising on accessibility or ease-of-use.




Example Prompts


"Can you fetch me the Google analytics data?"


"I need the list of all Google Analytics properties with their IDs."


"Can you provide me the metadata of available metrics and dimensions for the property with ID 'GA


"What are the available metrics and dimensions for the Google Analytics property with ID 'GA


"Can I have the Google Analytics data?"


"I want to view the list of Google Analytics properties along with their IDs."


"What is the metadata of available metrics and dimensions for the Google Analytics property with ID 'GA


"Can you show me the list of Google Analytics properties with their respective IDs?"


"Fetch me the metadata of available metrics and dimensions for the Google Analytics property ID 'GA


"I need Google Analytics data."


"Could you get me the list of Google Analytics properties and their IDs?"


"Please provide the metadata of the available metrics and dimensions of the Google Analytics property with ID 'GA


"I want to know the metadata for the Google Analytics property with ID 'GA

Description for AI

This plugin enables fetching data from the Google Analytics Data API v1 using simple text prompt (example: 'project id: XXXXXXXXX', 'list of requested metrics: bounce rate, sessions, users', 'start date: DD-MM-YYYY', 'end date: DD-MM-YYYY'). Using the 'get_property' function to fetch the property ID. Then, use the 'chat' function to fetch the data. Provide a message that includes the property ID number, start date and end date (in DD-MM-YYYY format), and the requested metrics. Note: Ensure compatibility between metrics and dimensions. If the plugin receives 'analyticsData#runReport' response, it indicates there is no data to show. This could be due to incompatible metrics and dimensions or absence of data for the requested metrics. In such cases, verify the compatibility of the metric and the dimension, or try to remove the dimension and try other metrics.

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