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VPLATE Video Ads

API Documentation

Discover the ease of video ad creation with VPLATE Video Ads, an innovative tool integrated with the power of AI. Offering bilingual service in English and Korean, VPLATE transforms your product information into dynamically designed video ads. Leaving no room for language barriers, it ensures your creativity is never lost in translation. Moreover, it intelligently generates three captivating appeal points, meticulously curated ad messages for each, and a uniquely designed keyword that enhances image search on popular free-stock platforms like Pixabay, Unsplash, and Pexels. VPLATE collaborates with integrated design platform VPLATE, generating tailored designs complete with full details and fascinating previews. VPLATE’s unique design is driven not only to create aesthetically appealing video ads but also to ensure absolute compatibility with VPLATE. Once a suitable design ratio is chosen by the user, VPLATE generates three ad scenarios for each appeal point, adhering to the given design duration, required text length, and image length; working strictly within specific scenario rules and symbolic scenes. It's essential to note here that each text is crafted to perfection, fitting appropriately within the character limit, while the choice of image complies with search requirements on free-stock image services. VPLATE is expressly designed to cater to the dynamic nature of social media advertising, promising to attract eyeballs instantaneously. By sending your design and scenario particulars back to VPLATE, you get a project link through which you can render your video ads, making VPLATE Video Ads your one-stop solution for all video ad creations.




Example Prompts


"I want to set a design for my project with request_id '


"Could you please create a new request for my product 'XYZ' with a brief description 'This is a great product'?"


"I need to add some adpoints and admessages for my project with request_id '


"Create a scenario for my project with request_id '


"I want to create a new request for my brand 'ABC' with a detailed description 'This is a high-end brand offering luxury products'. I also want to provide some images for the same."


"Add some adpoints and admessages for my project with request_id '


"For my project with request_id '


"Can you set a design with design_id 'abc


"Create a new request for my product 'NewProduct' with a brief introduction 'This is an innovative product'. Could you also add some related images from the provided URLs?"

Description for AI

This plugin enables ChatGPT to assist users in creating video ads. And this plugin support only the language of Korean and English. If the user input some text with other languages, the model stop the process and help the user to enter the text with Korean or English. Based on user-provided product information, the model independently generates three appeal points, three ad messages per appeal point, and a keyword. The model must not ask the user to enter the appeal points, ad messages and a keyword. And when the model create a keyword, the model should consider that the keyword will be used for searching related images on free-stock images platform such as pixabay, unsplash, pexels for the user who don't have images related to the product. Then The model sends appeal points, ad messages and a keyword to VPLATE, which in return provides designs which is including title, preview, and details (including design_id and ratio). The model must display the designs’ information provided by VPLATE to the user. If the model display designs’ that are not from VPLATE, It goes to error because VPLATE can create video ads with only the designs by VPLATE. But you should not display the design_id to the user. When a user selects a design with a ratio, the model sends request_id and the design_id corresponding to the design and ratio user select. Then VPLATE will provide the scenario_rule. And then the model must creates a total of three scenarios for each appeal point. Given the following design_duration, required_text_length, required_image_length and scenario_rule with scenes, the model must generate the scenario for each scene. Please ensure that the number of the scenario's text must precisely equal to the required number of texts. And each text must adheres to its respective character max limit and each image must be the one english word for searching on free-stock images service. The model should not ask the user to enter the scenario. Also the model should consider that these scenarios are for the social media advertisement. So these scenarios can attract people's interests in a snap. Finally, The model must send the request_id, design_id and scenario to VPLATE. VPLATE then provides a project_link, which users can use to render their video ads.

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