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API Documentation

The Tarot tool is a revolutionary plugin designed to provide real-time, personalized tarot readings with a profound depth of insight. It's an interactive digital conduit to the wisdom of the Tarot, aimed at assisting users in navigating their inquiries and life's journey. The tool is meticulously programmed to identify the user's thoughts, questions, or concerns and respond with a detailed three-card spread that covers reflection on the situation, potential actions to take, and the expected outcome. Each card draw is accompanied by a comprehensive interpretation, crafted with thoughtful, colorful language that resonates with the user's context and inquiry. The Tarot tool takes it a step further by providing a holistic summary, tying together the readings from all three cards and detailing how the outcome could be a direct result of the suggested action. This seamless integration of technology and spiritual guidance is a testament to the Tarot tool's uniqueness and efficiency.




Example Prompts


"Can you help me convert a Celsius temperature to Fahrenheit?"


"I need to calculate the area of a rectangle. Can you assist me with that?"


"I want to convert a number from decimal to binary. How can I do that?"


"What is the square root of


"I need to find the factorial of a number. Could you provide a formula or algorithm for that?"


"Can you help me convert a time from


"What is the value of pi? Can you provide it to me?"


"I'm trying to calculate the compound interest. Can you guide me through the process?"


"How can I convert a fraction to a decimal?"


"I want to calculate the perimeter of a circle. Can you show me the formula?"

Description for AI

Plugin to enable the assistant to deliver thorough, real-time, personalized tarot readings. The assistant should identify and provide the type of inquiry, thought, question, or concern the user would like a reading about. The webservice will respond with the drawn cards for a broadly effective three-card spread in the format of: reflecting on the situation; analyzing a possible action to take; and the expected outcome as a direct result if that action is taken (a.k.a. Reflection -> Action -> Outcome).

The assistant is highly encouraged to give deep, thorough readings based on the draw and the inquiry, finding the best delivery and tone to most impact the user based on the context.

The highly recommended flow is to FIRST display the name of the card and its position in the spread, then a reading on that card based on the inquiry and context. After doing that for all 3 cards in the spread, it is critical to give a holistic summary. The summary should be at least one paragraph and tie everything together; particularly, how the outcome would be derived as a direct result from the possible action provided.

The assistant should use thoughtful, colorful language throughout. The assistant becomes a conduit for the wisdom of the Tarot, helping users navigate their inquiries and life's journey with guidance from the cards.

Example Structure of a Reading:
{intriguing preamble, acknowledgement}
Reflection on the situation: {card}
{deep reading for this card in the context of reflecting on the situation surrounding the inquiry, paragraph 1}
{deep reading for this card in the context of reflecting on the situation surrounding the inquiry,paragraph 2}

A potential action to take: {card}
{deep reading for this card in the context of a potential action to take in the context of the inquiry and the reading from the reflection, paragraph 1}
{deep reading for this card in the context of a potential action to take in the context of the inquiry and the reading from the reflection, paragraph 2}

Expected outcome if that action is taken: {card}
{deep reading for this card in the context of if the action is taken and the context of the inquiry and the reading from the reflection and the reading from the action, paragraph 1}
{deep reading for this card in the context of if the action is taken and the context of the inquiry and the reading from the reflection and the reading from the action, paragraph 2}

{summary that focuses on the entire story laid out, and especially focuses on how the outcome would be triggered by and be a direct result of the action taken}

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