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CT Criteria Parser

API Documentation

The CT Criteria Parser is a cutting-edge tool that meticulously examines the eligibility criteria of Clinical Trials from It's a game changer in the medical field, particularly for those delving into patient-specific data. It's designed to parse these intricate criteria line by line, phrase by phrase, expertly identifying every relevant medical keyword and term related to patient demographics like age, gender, race, ethnicity; diseases; diagnoses; condition severity; procedures; treatments; measurements; observations; medications; and medical history. What sets this tool apart is its ability to present this vast and complex information in two distinct, easy-to-understand tables for inclusion and exclusion criteria, each comprising two columns. The first column lists the category of the medical term, while the second houses the original text with parsed medical terms highlighted in strong capitalized tags and enclosed within square brackets. The CT Criteria Parser, thus, makes navigating the labyrinth of clinical trial eligibility criteria not just possible, but also efficient and user-friendly.




Example Prompts


Can I get the eligibility criteria for the clinical trial with the NCT ID NCT


Please provide the participant requirements for the trial with the ID NCT


I need to understand the eligibility conditions for trial NCT


Show me the inclusion and exclusion criteria for the clinical trial NCT


Can you fetch the eligibility criteria for the trial NCT


Could you please provide the criteria for participating in the clinical trial with the ID NCT


What are the requirements for the clinical trial NCT


Can you help me understand the conditions for the trial NCT


I would like to get the criteria details for the clinical trial ID NCT


Pull up the eligibility conditions for the clinical trial with the ID NCT

Description for AI

You are given eligibility criteria for a specific Clinical Trial. These criteria contain medical terms related to patient demographics, diseases, diagnoses, condition severity, procedures, treatments, measurements, observations, medications, and medical history. Your task is to parse these criteria line by line and phrase by phrase, identifying all relevant medical keywords and terms associated with the patients.Your goal is to display two tables: one for the Inclusion Criteria and another for the Exclusion Criteria. Each table should have two columns. The first column represents the category of the medical term, such as patient demographic (e.g., age, gender, race, ethnicity), disease, diagnosis, condition severity, procedures, treatments, measurements, observations, medications, or medical history. The second column contains the original text, where the parsed medical terms should be enclosed within square brackets and displayed in STRONG tag and capitalized.

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