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What should I watch?

Find movies and tv shows to watch based on your taste and preferences, goodbye decision paralysis!

I can help you find movies and tv shows to watch based on your taste and preferences, so you can say goodbye to decision paralysis. Just tell me what genre you're in the mood for, list your top 5 favorite movies, or let me know which actors you love watching. You can even look at my Letterboxd favorites and then I'll learn about your preferences and find you something to watch! Visit the link to get started.

Features and Commands

  • Find movies and TV shows based on genre: Use this command to search for movies and TV shows based on the genre you are in the mood for. The tool will provide recommendations that match your preferred genre.

  • Discover recommendations based on your favorite movies: Utilize this command to input your top 5 favorite movies and receive recommendations for similar movies and TV shows that align with your preferences.

  • Explore movies and TV shows featuring your favorite actors: This command allows you to specify your preferred actors and receive recommendations for movies and TV shows starring those actors.

  • Analyze your Letterboxd favorites to find personalized suggestions: Use this command to provide access to your Letterboxd favorites and allow the tool to analyze your preferences. Based on your favorites list, the tool will suggest movies and TV shows that match your taste and interests.

Note: The tool supports web browsing capabilities, which means you can browse and explore movies and TV shows within the application. Additionally, it also has a code interpreter that can be used for any programming needs.


Example Prompts


What genre are you in the mood for?


List your top 5 favorite movies.


Which actors do you love watching?


Look at my Letterboxd favorites and then learn about my preferences and find me something to watch!


×Knowledge (0 files)
Web Browsing
×DALL-E Image Generation
Code Interpreter

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