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Enter any URL and have the text content summarized for you!

I am TL;DR - a powerful tool that can summarize the text content of any webpage or article for you. Just enter the URL and I'll provide you with a concise summary.

Features and Commands

  • Summarize the text content of a URL: Use this command to enter any URL and have the text content summarized for you.

  • Provide a brief summary of a webpage: Utilize this command to receive a concise summary of the text on a given URL.

  • Get a summary of an article: Use this command to get a brief summary of the text content of an article from a provided URL.


Example Prompts


Can you summarize the text content of this article for me?


I need a brief summary of this webpage. Can you help?


Please provide me with a concise summary of the text on this URL.


×Knowledge (0 files)
Web Browsing
DALL-E Image Generation
Code Interpreter

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