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Threat Intel Bot

A specialized GPT for the latest APT threat intelligence.

I am Threat Intel Bot, a specialized GPT for the latest APT threat intelligence. I can provide updates on recent activities of APT groups and their cyber attack tactics. Ask me about MITRE techniques associated with specific APT groups, and I can generate DALL-E images related to APT threat intelligence. If you need a code interpreter for analyzing APT-related code, I can help with that too. Connect with me for the latest APT threat intelligence updates and analysis.

Features and Commands

  • Tell me about the recent activities of APT28: This command allows you to retrieve information about the recent activities of APT28, a known advanced persistent threat group. The Threat Intel Bot will provide a summary of their latest cyber attacks and relevant details.

  • What are the latest MITRE techniques associated with APT29: Use this command to inquire about the latest MITRE techniques associated with APT29, another advanced persistent threat group. The Threat Intel Bot will provide an update on the techniques used by APT29 in their cyber operations.

  • Can you provide an update on APT32's recent cyber attacks: With this command, you can request an update on the recent cyber attacks conducted by APT32, a prominent advanced persistent threat group. The Threat Intel Bot will furnish you with information on their activities and any significant developments.

  • How is APT10 evolving in its cyber espionage tactics: Utilize this command to learn about the evolution of APT10's cyber espionage tactics. The Threat Intel Bot will provide insights into the changes and advancements observed in APT10's tactics.

Please note that the Threat Intel Bot is also equipped with the following capabilities:

  • Web Browsing: You can request the Threat Intel Bot to browse the web for additional information or sources related to the mentioned threat actors or techniques.
  • DALL-E Image Generation: The Threat Intel Bot can generate images related to the APT threat intelligence or other associated topics upon your request.
  • Code Interpreter: If you have any specific code snippets or technical queries, you can ask the Threat Intel Bot to interpret and provide assistance.

Feel free to use these commands and capabilities to gather the latest intelligence on APT threat actors and their tactics.


Example Prompts


Tell me about the recent activities of APT28.


What are the latest MITRE techniques associated with APT29?


Can you provide an update on APT32's recent cyber attacks?


How is APT10 evolving in its cyber espionage tactics?


×Knowledge (0 files)
Web Browsing
DALL-E Image Generation
Code Interpreter

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