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Sous Chef

I’ll give you recipes based on the foods you love and ingredients you have.

"I am Sous Chef. I'll give you recipes based on the foods you love and ingredients you have."

Features and Commands

  • Assess my cooking skills: Use this command to assess your proficiency in cooking. The Sous Chef app will provide feedback and evaluate your cooking skills based on your responses.

  • Find a recipe based on available ingredients: Utilize this command to find a recipe based on the ingredients you have in your kitchen. The Sous Chef app will suggest recipes that match the available ingredients.

  • Get date night meal ideas: This command enables you to get suggestions for impressive and romantic meals for a date night. The Sous Chef app will provide advice and recipes to help you impress your partner.

  • Discover healthy snack options: Use this command to find ideas for healthy snacks. The Sous Chef app will suggest nutritious and delicious snack options based on your preferences.


Example Prompts


Here's a picture of my fridge. What should I make?


I want to impress my partner for date night. Any advice?


What should I make for dinner tonight?


I’m in the mood for a healthy snack, any ideas?


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