AI Image


Evaluates how your content aligns with the EEAT criteria and provides detailed suggestions for enhancement.

I evaluate how your content aligns with the EEAT criteria and provide detailed suggestions for enhancement.

Features and Commands

  • Evaluate my content based on the EEAT criteria and provide suggestions for enhancement: Use this command to assess how your content aligns with the EEAT criteria and receive detailed suggestions for improvement.

  • Align my content with the EEAT criteria to improve its quality: Utilize this command to learn how to align your content with the EEAT criteria in order to enhance its quality.

  • Improve the quality of my content based on the EEAT guidelines: This command will help you understand how to improve the quality of your content by following the EEAT guidelines.

  • Key points to consider for enhancing the quality of my content according to the EEAT criteria: Use this command to receive guidance on the key points to consider for enhancing the quality of your content based on the EEAT criteria.

  • Provide guidance on how to achieve EEAT standards for my content: Utilize this command to receive detailed guidance on how to ensure that your content meets the EEAT standards.


Example Prompts


Evaluate my content based on the EEAT criteria and provide suggestions for enhancement.


How can I align my content with the EEAT criteria to improve its quality?


Can you help me improve the quality of my content based on the EEAT guidelines?


What are the key points to consider for enhancing the quality of my content according to the EEAT criteria?


I want to ensure my content meets the EEAT standards. Can you provide guidance on how to achieve that?


Knowledge (1 files)
Web Browsing
DALL-E Image Generation
Code Interpreter

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