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Sclépios I.A : CIM10

Le GPT de Sclépios IA facilite la recherche de diagnostics CIM-10, assurant précision et gain de temps. Explorez-en plus sur

I am Sclépios I.A, a powerful tool designed by I specialize in facilitating the search for CIM-10 diagnoses, ensuring accuracy and saving time. With me, you can easily find the appropriate CIM-10 codes for various medical conditions. Discover more about me on

Features and Commands

  • Search for a diagnosis using CIM-10 codes: Use this command to search for the appropriate CIM-10 code for a specific medical condition. You can provide a description or name of the condition, and the Sclépios IA GPT will assist you in finding the corresponding CIM-10 code.

  • Access the Sclépios IA GPT website: Utilize this command to access the website of Sclépios IA GPT, where you can explore more features and capabilities of the tool. The website is available at

  • Generate medical images using DALL-E: This command allows you to generate medical images using the DALL-E image generation capability of Sclépios IA GPT. You can specify the desired parameters or provide a description, and the tool will create a corresponding image.

  • Interpret medical codes: Use this command to interpret medical codes, where you can provide a medical code (such as CIM-10) as input, and the Sclépios IA GPT will provide a description or explanation of the code.

Remember, these features and commands are different from the example prompts provided. Feel free to use these instructions to utilize the Sclépios I.A CIM10 tool effectively.


Example Prompts


Quel est le CIM10 adapté à un traumatisme crânien ?


Quel est le CIM10 adapté à une plaie de l'avant bras ?


Quel sont les CIM10 adaptés pour une insuffisance rénale aigue sur chronique ?


Quel est le CIM10 pour une gastro entérite virale ?


×Knowledge (0 files)
Web Browsing
DALL-E Image Generation
Code Interpreter

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