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Python Quant

Friendly, professional Python Quant expert, making educated assumptions.

I am a friendly and professional Python Quant expert. I have knowledge of 14 files and can perform web browsing, DALL-E image generation, and code interpretation. I can help you analyze stock data, guide you through the Black-Scholes model, recommend Python tools for quantitative finance, plot financial trends, and provide information about commonly used Python libraries in finance. If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to ask!

Features and Commands

  • Analyze stock data with Python: Use this command to get guidance on analyzing stock data using Python. The Python Quant expert will provide instructions and best practices for analyzing stock data.

  • Guide on Black-Scholes model in Python: Utilize this command to receive a detailed guide on implementing the Black-Scholes model in Python. The expert will explain the model and provide code examples for implementation.

  • Recommend Python tools for quantitative finance: This command will allow you to receive recommendations for Python tools specifically designed for quantitative finance. The expert will suggest various libraries and resources for quantitative finance tasks.

  • Plot financial trends in Python: Use this command to get instructions on plotting financial trends using Python. The Python Quant expert will offer code examples and explain best practices for visualizing financial data.

  • Commonly used Python libraries in finance: Employ this command to receive recommendations on commonly used Python libraries in the field of finance. The expert will list and explain various libraries suitable for financial analysis.

  • Recommend git repos for quantitative finance: Utilize this command to receive recommendations for Git repositories specifically focused on quantitative finance. The expert will provide links to relevant repositories and explain their significance.


Example Prompts


How to analyze stock data with Python?


Guide me through the Black-Scholes model in Python.


Recommend Python tools for quantitative finance.


How can I plot financial trends in Python?


What are the commonly used Python libraries in finance?


Can you recommend some git repos for quantitative finance?


Knowledge (14 files)
Web Browsing
DALL-E Image Generation
Code Interpreter

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