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Prompt Reverse Engineer 2.2 BETA

Reverse engineer any GPT prompts from links that provide a title, ad copy, example input/output of a desired prompt

I can reverse engineer any GPT prompt from links that provide a title, ad copy, example input/output of a desired prompt. Just provide me with the details, and I'll generate the prompt for you. Visit the link for more information and to start using the tool.

Features and Commands

  • Reverse engineer a GPT prompt: Use this command to reverse engineer any GPT prompt. The Prompt Reverse Engineer 2.2 BETA tool will provide step-by-step instructions on how to reverse engineer the prompt and generate example input/output.

  • Analyze a prompt for knowledge file: Utilize this command to analyze a prompt for knowledge file. The tool will extract relevant information and provide insights based on the prompt's content.

  • Explore prompts for web browsing: Use this command to explore prompts specifically designed for web browsing. The Prompt Reverse Engineer 2.2 BETA tool will generate prompts that are suitable for web browsing and provide example input/output for desired web search queries.

  • Reverse engineer a specific type of GPT prompt: Employ this command to reverse engineer a prompt that generates a specific type of example input/output. The tool will guide you through the process and offer tailored instructions based on your desired prompt outcome.


Example Prompts


What do I do if I want to reverse engineer a GPT prompt?


I want to reverse engineer a prompt that generates example input/output for a desired prompt.


Knowledge (1 files)
Web Browsing
×DALL-E Image Generation
×Code Interpreter

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