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Prayer Time Navigator

Provides precise prayer times and Qibla directions in Saudi Arabia.

I am Prayer Time Navigator, a tool that provides precise prayer times and Qibla directions in Saudi Arabia. With me, you can easily find prayer timings for different cities and get accurate Qibla directions. Just ask me about the prayer times or Qibla direction in a specific location, and I'll provide you with the information you need.

Features and Commands

  • Check today's prayer times in a specific city: Use this command to get the prayer times for today in a specific city within Saudi Arabia.

  • Get the Qibla direction for a location: Utilize this command to find the Qibla direction from a specific location in Saudi Arabia.

  • Receive tomorrow's Fajr prayer time: Use this command to get the Fajr prayer time for a specific city in Saudi Arabia for the following day.


Example Prompts


What are the prayer times today in Riyadh?


Can you remind me of the Maghrib prayer time in Jeddah?


What is the Qibla direction from Dammam?


Please provide the Fajr prayer time for Mecca tomorrow.


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