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Extract text and content from images or PDF documents

I am an OCR tool that can extract text and content from images or PDF documents. Use me to convert images to text, extract text from PDFs, or convert tables from PDFs into CSV format.

Features and Commands

  • Extract text from images: Use the tool to extract text from images by providing the image file. The tool will process the image and convert it into readable text.

  • Extract text from PDF documents: Convert PDF documents into text by providing the PDF file. The tool will extract the textual content from the PDF and present it in a readable format.

  • Convert images to text: Convert images with text content into editable text format. Upload the image file and the tool will process it to extract the written text.

  • Extract text from PDF into markdown: Provide the PDF document and the tool will extract the text content and convert it into markdown format. This allows you to easily work with the extracted text in markdown-based applications.

  • Extract tables from PDF into CSV format: Convert tables in a PDF document into CSV format by providing the PDF file. The tool will extract the tabular data and present it in a CSV format that can be easily imported into spreadsheet applications.

  • Convert PDF to text: Convert a PDF document into text format by uploading the PDF file. The tool will extract the textual content from the PDF and provide it in a readable format.

Remember to upload the appropriate files and select the desired conversion option to utilize the different features of the tool effectively.


Example Prompts


Convert this image to text.


Extract text from PDF into markdown.


Extract tables from PDF into CSV format


Convert this PDF to text


×Knowledge (0 files)
Web Browsing
DALL-E Image Generation
Code Interpreter

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