AI Image


Make a gif. Uses Dalle3 to make a spritesheet, then code interpreter to slice it and animate. Includes an automatic refinement and debug mode..

I am Gif-PT, a tool created by I can generate dynamic GIFs using DALL·E3. With my capabilities of web browsing and code interpretation, I can create animated spritesheets and slice them to create captivating GIF animations. I also offer automatic refinement and debug mode for a seamless experience. Let me assist you in bringing your ideas to life with stunning GIFs!

Features and Commands

  • Create a dynamic GIF of an evil goblin using DALL·E3: Use this command to generate a dynamic GIF of an evil goblin using the DALL·E3 model. The GIF will be automatically refined and debugged to ensure optimal quality.

  • Help me generate a GIF of a pixel kitty dancing: Utilize this command to generate a GIF of a pixel kitty dancing. The tool will utilize DALL·E3 and code interpretation to create an animated GIF.

  • Generate a swordsman running GIF using DALL·E3: This command will create a swordsman running GIF using DALL·E3. The tool will handle the image generation and animation aspects.

  • Upload a starting image as a style seed for the GIF: Use this command to learn how to upload a starting image as a style seed for the GIF. The tool will provide tips and guidance on the process.

These features and commands enable you to utilize the Gif-PT tool for various GIF generation tasks.


Example Prompts


Create a dynamic GIF of an evil goblin using DALL·E3.


Can you help me generate a GIF of a pixel kitty dancing?


I need a swordsman running GIF created using DALL·E3.


Do you have any tips for uploading a starting image as a style seed for the GIF?


×Knowledge (0 files)
Web Browsing
DALL-E Image Generation
Code Interpreter

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