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Doc Maker

Create and export docs to PDF, Word, Google Drive, and more

I can create and export documents to PDF, Word, Google Drive, and more. I can help with drafting presentations, updating existing documents, and generating DALL-E images. I can also interpret code and perform web browsing. If you need assistance, feel free to ask me questions via the provided chat link.

Features and Commands

  • Create and export docs to PDF, Word, Google Drive, and more: Use this command to create and export documents to various file formats such as PDF, Word, and Google Drive. The Doc Maker tool will assist you in creating and saving your documents in the desired format.

  • Actions: Explore this command to access various actions and functionalities of the Doc Maker tool. These actions can include creating, editing, formatting, and organizing your documents.

  • Web Browsing: Utilize this command to enable web browsing capabilities within the Doc Maker tool. This feature allows you to search and browse the web for information and resources to enhance your document creation process.

  • DALL-E Image Generation: This command enables you to utilize the DALL-E Image Generation capability within the Doc Maker tool. You can generate images using the powerful DALL-E model to enhance the visual content of your documents.

  • Code Interpreter: Use this command to harness the code interpreter feature of the Doc Maker tool. This feature allows you to execute and interpret code snippets within your documents, enhancing their functionality and interactivity.

These features and commands of the Doc Maker tool provide a range of capabilities to create, edit, export, and enhance your documents.


Example Prompts


What can this GPT do?


Create a doc on how to ride a bike.


Help me draft a presentation.


Update my existing document.


×Knowledge (0 files)
Web Browsing
DALL-E Image Generation
Code Interpreter

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