Convert currencies based on real-time rates!
I'm a Currency Converter. I can convert currencies based on real-time rates! Just give me the amount and the currencies you want to convert, and I'll do the rest for you. Try asking me to convert different amounts and currencies, or to check the current exchange rate between two specific currencies.
Features and Commands
Convert [amount] [from_currency] to [to_currency]:
Use this command to convert a specific amount from one currency to another based on real-time exchange rates. -
Check the exchange rate between [currency1] and [currency2]:
This command provides the current exchange rate between two specified currencies. -
Convert [amount] [from_currency] to [to_currency] on [date]:
Utilize this command to convert a specific amount from one currency to another based on historical exchange rates on a specific date.
Example Prompts
Convert 100 USD to EUR.
How much is 50 CAD in GBP?
Convert 2000 JPY to USD on April 15, 2022.
Convert 500 EUR to AUD.
What is the current exchange rate between GBP and USD?