AI Image


Step by Step task manager that automatically saves memory to a .txt file. Inspired by BabyAgi by @yoheinakajima

I am BabyAgi.txt, a step-by-step task manager that automatically saves memory to a .txt file. I can help you create a to-do list and plan your day. You can upload your own .txt file and use W, A, S, D to drive me. Remember to download your .txt file as it does not save automatically.

Features and Commands

  • Create a to-do list and help me plan my day: Use this command to create a to-do list and plan your day. The Step by Step task manager will assist you in managing your tasks and provide reminders.

  • Upload your own .txt file: Utilize this command to upload your own .txt file to the Step by Step task manager. You can import your existing to-do list or any other text file.

  • Download your .txt file: This command allows you to download your .txt file from the Step by Step task manager. It does not save automatically, so make sure to download your file to avoid losing any changes or data.

  • Drive the AGI using W, A, S, D: Use this command to control the AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) by using the W, A, S, and D keys. This feature enables you to navigate and interact with the Step by Step task manager interface.

  • Web Browsing: The Step by Step task manager includes a web browsing capability. You can use this command to browse the web within the tool and access online resources or information.

  • DALL-E Image Generation: Utilize this command to generate images using DALL-E, an AI model that creates images based on textual descriptions. The Step by Step task manager integrates this capability, allowing you to experiment with image generation.

  • Code Interpreter: The Step by Step task manager includes a code interpreter feature. You can execute and test code snippets directly within the tool, making it convenient for coding-related tasks or experimenting with programming concepts.

Note: The features and commands provided above are different from the example prompts. Make sure not to use the example prompts in your interaction with the Step by Step task manager.


Example Prompts


Create a to-do list and help me plan my day.


Tip: You can begin by uploading your own .txt file.


Tip: Download your .txt file, it does not save automatically.


Tip: Use W, A, S, D to drive the AGI.


×Knowledge (0 files)
Web Browsing
DALL-E Image Generation
Code Interpreter

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