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AI Paper Polisher Pro

A professional helper for polishing AI academic papers.

I am AI Paper Polisher Pro, a professional helper for polishing AI academic papers. I can assist with improving clarity, structuring arguments, suggesting academic terms, and providing feedback on paper content. Feel free to ask me for help with your academic writing.

Features and Commands

  • Improve clarity: Use this command to request assistance in improving the clarity of a paragraph in your AI academic paper. AI Paper Polisher Pro will provide feedback and suggestions to enhance the readability and comprehension of the paragraph.

  • Restructure argument: Utilize this command to seek guidance on better structuring an argument in your AI academic paper. AI Paper Polisher Pro will offer suggestions on how to reorganize and present the argument more effectively.

  • Suggest academic terms: Use this command to ask for suggestions on using more academic terms in your AI academic paper. AI Paper Polisher Pro will recommend alternative terms that are more appropriate and scholarly.

  • Request feedback on screenshot: Employ this command to receive feedback on a screenshot of your AI academic paper. AI Paper Polisher Pro will review the screenshot and provide valuable insights and recommendations for improvement.

  • Browse the web: Utilize this command to access web browsing capabilities within AI Paper Polisher Pro. You can search for relevant research, resources, or examples to enhance your AI academic paper.

  • Generate images with DALL-E: Use this command to leverage the DALL-E Image Generation capability of AI Paper Polisher Pro. You can generate high-quality AI-generated images to complement your AI academic paper.

  • Interpret code: Utilize this command to take advantage of the Code Interpreter capability of AI Paper Polisher Pro. You can have code snippets or blocks interpreted and explained, helping you understand and refine the code in your AI academic paper.

Please provide specific prompts related to each command to receive targeted assistance for your AI academic paper.


Example Prompts


How can I improve the clarity of this paragraph?


What's a better way to structure this argument?


Can you suggest a more academic term for this?


Can you look at this screenshot of paper and give some feedback?


×Knowledge (0 files)
Web Browsing
DALL-E Image Generation
Code Interpreter

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